What we stand for


At Bikers.sg, we live to serve the passions of a diverse cycling community. From leisurely rides to exhilarating off-road adventures, we cater to riders of all preferences and skill levels. Our purpose is clear – to fuel the joy of cycling and connect enthusiasts across the pedal-powered landscape.

Driven by our commitment to sustainability, we champion eco-conscious choices that redefine the future of cycling. We are the wind at your back, offering high-quality accessories, safety gear, and performance essentials designed to propel you forward while treading lightly on our planet.

By revolutionizing the way we move, we address the grievances that weigh us down. With every pedal stroke, we combat carbon emissions, transcend traffic congestion, and break free from sedentary routines. Together, we forge a path towards a greener, more vibrant world.

Our brand empowers both seasoned riders and aspiring pros alike. We are the trusted ally on your journey, providing reliable essentials and tracking your performance as you conquer new horizons. Through engaging events and community initiatives, we unite cyclists, spreading the contagious spirit of camaraderie and adventure.

Join us on this thrilling ride. Together, we will ignite the passion for cycling, enrich lives, and leave tire tracks of inspiration for generations to come. Bikers.sg – where the freedom of the open road meets the boundless possibilities of the human spirit."


In the years to come, Bikers.sg envisions a thriving cycling community across Singapore, united by the love for two wheels and a shared desire for a greener future. Our intent is clear – to be at the forefront of this movement, shaping the cycling landscape and empowering riders with exceptional products and experiences.

In 5 years, we strive to be a household name, known and trusted by every Singaporean who embraces the freedom of cycling. Our commitment to delivering quality, innovative solutions will earn us the respect and loyalty of riders across the island.

Looking ahead to the 10-year mark, Bikers.sg will proudly host our own signature cycling event, a celebration of the passion, camaraderie, and pure joy that cycling brings. This event will become a hallmark of our brand, drawing enthusiasts from far and wide to experience the thrill of the ride with Bikers.sg.

As we embark on the journey towards the 20-year milestone, Bikers.sg envisions a deeper partnership with the Singapore government in their greener planet journey. We aspire to become a major player, driving initiatives that leave a lasting impact on future generations. Together, we will shape a sustainable future, where cycling becomes an integral part of Singapore's identity.

While our focus remains on Singapore, our impact will extend far beyond city limits. Through our unwavering commitment, dedication, and belief in the power of cycling, we will transform lives, inspire healthier choices, and leave an indelible mark on the cycling landscape.

The vision is clear, the wheels are in motion. Bikers.sg – empowering a nation, embracing a greener future, and fuelling the cycling revolution.


At Bikers.sg, we make a promise to our customers that goes beyond providing exceptional products and services. Our commitment is rooted in the values of personalization, quality, sustainability, and community engagement. We vow to be the trusted companion on your cycling journey, delivering an experience that exceeds your expectations and contributes to a greener, healthier world.

In the short term, we are dedicated to expanding our product range, launching five premium products that are essential for riders. We will also introduce a mobile app, a gamified platform that promotes riding to work, offers loyalty rewards, and provides valuable insights into the positive impact of cycling on carbon emissions reduction and environmental sustainability.

Looking ahead, our long-term commitments include owning a signature cycling event that brings together enthusiasts from all walks of life. Additionally, we envision the launch of a riding-themed café in a popular congregating spot for riders, creating a vibrant hub where cyclists can connect, share stories, and fuel their passion.

Throughout our journey, we remain unwavering in our non-negotiable commitment to customer satisfaction. We pledge to provide greener packaging options, ensuring that our products are delivered with minimal environmental impact.

Our aim is to offer faster delivery services, bringing the joy of cycling to your doorstep promptly. And above all, we promise a local touch, a personalized experience that resonates with the unique needs and preferences of the Singapore cycling community.

But our intentions reach beyond our customers' satisfaction. At Bikers.sg, we strive to make a meaningful contribution to the greater good. We are driven by the belief that cycling can reduce car dependency and promote sustainable transportation choices. By creating awareness of safe riding practices and offering relevant safety gear such as cameras and bike computers, we aim to foster a culture of responsible cycling and inspire others to embrace this eco-friendly mode of transportation.

Together, let us embark on a journey of discovery, excitement, and positive change. Bikers.sg – your trusted partner, your catalyst for greener living, and your gateway to a vibrant cycling community.


We deeply value the trust our customers place in us. We believe in demonstrating genuine care by providing reliable essentials that meet their needs, ensuring their safety and satisfaction. Our commitment to delivering quality products and services is unwavering, leaving zero room for disappointment.

Approachability: We strive to create an environment where our customers feel comfortable and supported. Our brand stands for approachability, fostering open and honest communication. We are always ready to listen, understand, and address the concerns, queries, and feedback of our customers. We believe in building relationships based on trust, accessibility, and mutual respect.

Sustainability: As a responsible brand, we prioritize sustainability in all aspects of our business. We actively seek greener packaging alternatives, reducing our environmental footprint and contributing to a cleaner planet. We are committed to exploring eco-friendly practices and partnering with suppliers who share our values. Our goal is to make a positive impact on the environment while delivering exceptional products and services.

Speed: We understand the importance of prompt service and timely delivery. Our brand stands for efficiency and agility, ensuring that our customers' orders are processed swiftly and delivered with speed. We continuously strive to improve our logistics and optimize our processes to provide fast and reliable service.

Connectivity: We believe in fostering a strong connection between our customers, potential customers, and the Bikers.sg community. Through our mobile app, we provide a feedback loop that enables seamless communication, allowing us to listen, learn, and continuously improve. We value the insights and experiences shared by our community, using them to shape our offerings and enhance the overall cycling experience.

These values serve as guiding principles for our brand, reflecting our commitment to reliability, approachability, sustainability, speed, and connectivity. They define who we are, how we operate, and the experience we aim to provide to our valued customers.

Bikers.SG: Empowering Cyclists with Ambition, Sustainability, and Support